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Development and changes of the short movie fiction in Spanish movie (1990--2002)

Posted on:2005-06-03Degree:DrType:Thesis
University:Universidad Politecnica de Valencia (Spain)Candidate:Martinez Rodriguez, Juan CarlosFull Text:PDF
Between the years 1990 and 2002 the short fiction movie had a great development in the Spanish movie. The changes affect to the production, distribution, and exposition in all their limits. The short movie in the context of the Spanish audio-visual sector have a specific magnitude and circumstances that make evident that this is an audio-visual way with entity and singularity. During this period it develops in Spain with a special and an intense dynamism that make it worthy to be studied with detail.; Some of the most interesting phenomenon are: the increase of production from the quantitative and qualitative point of view, cultural projection and diffusion as a narrative manifestation, the phenomenon of the increase of specialized festivals, the incursion of digital technologies, the important role carried out by some television channels and the new ways of distribution that started to open at the end of 1990.; Between the more positive aspects, we can find the decentralization in regards to the exhibition scenes of the short movies and the new open fields through the new advanced format of digital-video that provide the production. Nevertheless, the short movie face to a particular problematic like the no commercial type, and may be very complicated for the development of projects, work distribution, and minority ways to connect with the audience---on the other hand is higher every time---or the fact that a great number of directors must be committed to fill works as a producer.; Besides we must emphasize in a particular way the position of short movie as a school of movie directors, technicians and actors for the audio-visual sector in a general way and singularly for the full-length movie.; For this reason, we have studied in this thesis the position and development of short Spanish contemporany movie in global conditions and we have tried to prove a series of positions that at first sight are of great interest for the investigation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Movie, Short, Development, Spanish
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