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Imperium turbae: Mob violence in late Republican Rome

Posted on:2012-10-31Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:California State University, Long BeachCandidate:Koops, Mitchell AFull Text:PDF
This thesis is an examination of the growth of mob violence in late Republican Rome from 133 to 44 B.C. During the Late Republic, mob violence became a serious problem in the city of Rome itself and the author offers a sketch of the growth of this violence over time, beginning with the deaths of the Gracchi brothers in 133 B.C. and ending with the discussion of the assassination of Caesar in 44 B.C. Mob violence was something indicative of Late Republican society and was connected to many social, cultural, and political aspects of Roman society at the time. The author argues that the mobs of the Late Republic are the result of a system of government that no longer worked because the laws by which it was founded upon were no longer recognized by its members.
Keywords/Search Tags:Mob violence, Late republican
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