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From commander to commandant: The transformation of British Major General James Pattison during the American War of Independence, 1777--1780

Posted on:2012-02-19Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:The University of North Carolina at Chapel HillCandidate:Roche, John DavidFull Text:PDF
This thesis examines the unique position of a garrison commandant responsible for a city with a substantial civilian population within the British Army and its role in the larger war for America by examining the dual tenures of Major General James Pattison as Commandant of the Royal Artillery in North America between September 24, 1777 and September 4, 1780 and Commandant of the City and Garrison of New York from July 5, 1779 to August 13, 1780. Pattison's hybrid civil-military responsibilities as the commandant of New York City convinced him that effective governance was essential to mobilizing Loyalist support and provided him with an opportunity to demonstrate the military potential of Loyalists in the middle colonies.
Keywords/Search Tags:Commandant
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