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La figure de la femme dans l'oeuvre romanesque de Sergio Kokis

Posted on:2005-01-07Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Dalhousie University (Canada)Candidate:Michaud, Marie-ClaudeFull Text:PDF
GTID:2455390008489537Subject:French Canadian literature
Kokis' novels are portraits that weave tales of social issues. In his work, one finds stories of misery, violence, desire, love, life and death written in a colorful prose. In his literary portraits, female characters are integrated in provocative ways. This thesis addresses questions raised by the treatment of women by Kokis in his literary works. Throughout the novels, women's roles seem to be determined not only by their biological function but also by their relationships with male characters. Women as virgins, as wives, as mothers and as prostitutes will be a few of the archetypes discussed. We will also look at how age affects women in the novels. Feminine literary myths present in his novels will be examined. Relying on feminist theories by such writers as Simone de Beauvoir and Luce Irigaray, we will attempt to expose certain patterns regarding women in Kokis' literary works.
Keywords/Search Tags:Novels, Literary, Women
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