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The Visigoths in Roman Spain: Harbingers of a dark age or perpetuators of the Roman world

Posted on:2013-02-08Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:California State University, Dominguez HillsCandidate:Burleson, Richard CFull Text:PDF
This thesis examines the impact of Visigothic rule on the former Roman Provinces of Spain, from the end of Roman political control (472 AD) to the end of Visigoth political control (711 AD). It will assess evidence of Visigothic intentions and activities that helped reestablish Roman forms and institutions in Spain. The purpose is to characterize the socio-economic, political, and religious trajectory of Visigothic Spain.;Little historiographic evidence exists concerning the period of Visigothic dominance in Iberia. Some consider the era a dark interlude on the Iberian Peninsula bereft of a lasting or valuable legacy. Some blame the Visigoths, often portrayed as brutish barbarians, for driving the former Roman provinces from affluence into penury. On the other hand, one can argue that the Visigoths were by intention the inheritors, preservers, and perpetuators of Roman culture and institutions, including the Roman Catholic Church.
Keywords/Search Tags:Roman, Spain, Visigoths, Visigothic
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