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An analysis of storytelling With Emphasis on the Role Played by Stories in Life

Posted on:2013-09-13Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:State University of New York at BuffaloCandidate:Brownie, Alexander GeorgeFull Text:PDF
This thesis is about the role that stories and storytelling play in human life. In it, I look at the historical and biological origins of the storytelling practice, the elements that go into the construction of stories to make them what they are, the themes that are found in popular stories, the methods of continuing stories and their implications for the future of storytelling, and the usefulness of stories as tools to accomplish an end, particularly in education. My references include novels, television programs, myths, scholarly publications and research studies. I conclude that stories, which are deeply rooted in human nature, are a force for the enrichment of people.
Keywords/Search Tags:Stories, Storytelling
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