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Concept translation: A methodology for integration of scholarly and studio-based research

Posted on:2014-01-07Degree:M.F.AType:Thesis
University:The University of UtahCandidate:London, TanjaFull Text:PDF
Concept Translation is a methodology I developed to assist my own choreographic process. It is a method-in-progress that strives for the integration of scholarly and studio based research. I utilized Concept Translation to choreograph sku: skin under, a work for four dancers that was performed as part of the Thesis Concert "bare bones" at the University of Utah in December 2012. The human skin was central to my theoretical and practical research in this work. I especially explored how the skin and the central nervous system function as one unit to gain an understanding of the role of the skin in regard to movement, embodiment, human experience and existence. I further focused on what affect nonsensate skin might have for humans. The choreography sku: skin under explores the question: What would we lose if our skin could not sense any longer, if we lost our sense of touch?;The choreographic process of sku: skin under serves as an example to explain and critically analyze the methodology of Concept Translation. First the method-in-progress is introduced in regard to its origin, theoretical foundation, and intent. The practical application of Concept Translation is then described through selected aspects of the choreographic process of sku: skin under. The method-in-progress is further discussed by critically analyzing the choreographic process in regard to its product.;Concept Translation yields interesting sources for studio research especially in regard to integration of theoretical inquiry. Yet, it still poses the same choreographic challenges as with any other creative process and additionally poses the task of finding choreographically effective ways to give expression to the theoretical inquiry.
Keywords/Search Tags:Concept translation, Choreographic, Process, Methodology, Skin, Integration, Theoretical
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