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Terror, Composition, Embodiment: The Politics of Nature in Zizek, Latour, and Nancy

Posted on:2014-09-18Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:University of Victoria (Canada)Candidate:Langille, CalebFull Text:PDF
This thesis brings the philosophies of Jean-Luc Nancy, Slavoj Zizek and Bruno Latour into conversation around the cynosure of ecological rhetoric. It argues for a renewed contemplation of political ecology, one that relinquishes the concept of Nature in favour of the overtly politicized notion of a world in common. By tracing, for the first time, the intersections between these three thinkers' respective philosophies of nature, this thesis strives to articulate a philosophical framework that can live up to the ecological challenges of the contemporary Anthropocene.
Keywords/Search Tags:Nature
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