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Issues of translation in mizumura's the fall of japanese in the age of english: A linguistic and theoretical analysis

Posted on:2014-06-28Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:University of OregonCandidate:Orme, Samuel ReedFull Text:PDF
When translating between any two languages, both linguistic and theoretical considerations must be made in order to create a successful translation. These choices are not made separately, however, but are inextricably linked; linguistic choices inform theoretical choices, and vice versa. A full understanding of both fields is crucial to the translator. The relationship between these two disciplines is considered in outlining a strategy for translating a selection from The Fall of Japanese in the Age of English, a novel by Mizumura Minae. Linguistic issues unique to the Japanese languages are considered along with theoretical issues, which are joined to create a unified translation strategy.
Keywords/Search Tags:Theoretical, Linguistic, Issues, Translation, Japanese
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