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A review of the published literature on traditional lecture vs. project based learning with generation y

Posted on:2014-12-03Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:Oklahoma State UniversityCandidate:Barnthouse, Lori DawnFull Text:PDF
Abstract: Student success is dependent on effective instruction. Yet, trying to ascertain what is effective is difficult. Each year brings new challenges dependent on the generation being taught. Generation Y is the latest group of students compromising the majority of enrollment. Traditional lecturing is considered, by some, as antiquated and non-effective in today's learning environment. This literature review examines project- based learning vs. traditional lecture as reported in the literature. This author found the literature to be inconclusive that one method of instruction is more successful than the other, when test scores were examined. Instructors using a variety of teaching methods in their classrooms may find this is effective instruction for successful students.
Keywords/Search Tags:Literature, Effective, Instruction, Traditional, Generation
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