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Reflections on water: Community productions in Cai Lay, Vietnam

Posted on:2006-06-09Degree:M.ArchType:Thesis
University:Carleton University (Canada)Candidate:Tran, TamFull Text:PDF
This thesis considers the role of the architect in the stewardship of water as both a physical resource and cultural symbol, essential to human existence. It argues that architects are well positioned to enable a positive transformation in the way that the population approaches the integration of water into their lives and that they should be deeply implicated in the preservation, management and celebration of water in its poetic traditions and the practices of everyday life.; The specific context for this study is the country of Vietnam. The first part of the thesis defines the current water crisis in Vietnam that led to the author's interest in this topic, and establishes a theoretical basis regarding the role of the architect in Vietnam and the role that water can play in the architectural project. The subsequent sections of the thesis explore the specific conditions surrounding the physical and cultural incorporation of water into the riverfront community of Cai Lay, Vietnam.
Keywords/Search Tags:Cai lay, Vietnam, Water into
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