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Relationships between low-standard roads and stream incision in central Nevada

Posted on:2004-04-30Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:University of Nevada, RenoCandidate:Lahde, Daniel BFull Text:PDF
Stream incision is a widespread phenomenon in upland watersheds of central Nevada. Historical episodes of incision have been linked to Holocene climate fluctuations. The objectives of this research were to determine if low-standard roads are a causal factor in initiation and propagation of channel incision, and to examine relationships among basin morphometry parameters and road related stream incision. Research was performed by isolating incised reaches using multi-year aerial photos, hydraulically modeling road capture processes, and statistically correlating morphometric parameters with road related stream incision. Statistical analyses of 9 basins and 20 morphometric and road parameters revealed relationships between road parameters and incidences of road capture. Model results indicated that road captures are a significant factor in initiating and exacerbating stream incision. Incision depths resulting from road captures are 1--2 m. This results in the isolation of the streams from their floodplains, and lowered water tables in captured reaches, and ultimately changes in riparian vegetation dynamics.
Keywords/Search Tags:Stream incision, Road, Relationships
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