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Direct-to-consumer advertising: Challenging health protection in Canada

Posted on:2005-04-16Degree:M.D.EType:Thesis
University:Dalhousie University (Canada)Candidate:Paynter, Martha JaneFull Text:PDF
GTID:2454390008996877Subject:Business Administration
In recent years, public and private spending on prescription-only drugs has increased dramatically. Drugs have become the fastest growing component of health care expenditure. Despite Food and Drug Act regulations that prohibit it, the volume of direct-to-consumer advertising (DTCA) of prescription-only drugs has also increased. This paper uses a three-pronged methodology to examine in depth three questions that relate to DTCA: (1) is DTCA efficient from the perspective of economic social welfare? (2) Is DTCA ethical? and (3) Does DTCA have gender implications?;This paper uses tools from bioethics to examine the ethical implications of DTCA effects on consumer beliefs regarding health, disease, and treatment options, and relationships between patients and health care practitioners.;This paper uses gender based analysis to determine why and how DTCA may present greater risks to women than men.;To offer timely and pragmatic recommendations for DTCA regulation, this paper compares and critiques the existing Food and Drug Act and a legislative proposal for a new Canada Health Protection Act. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)...
Keywords/Search Tags:Health, DTCA
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