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Nutritional adequacy among adult women with celiac disease following a gluten-free diet

Posted on:2006-01-22Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:D'Youville CollegeCandidate:Kimpton, Sarah RFull Text:PDF
This quantitative study approximated the prevalence of nutritional adequacy among adult females aged 19--50 with celiac disease following a gluten-free diet. The sample consisted of 5 subjects who recorded their dietary intake for three days in food diaries. The folate, calcium, iron, caloric and protein content of the foods within the diaries were analyzed. The estimated average requirement cut-point method for approximating nutritional adequacies was used to estimate nutritional adequacy. The results showed that none of the participants studied consumed adequate levels of folate, 2 out of the 5 participants consumed adequate levels of calcium and none of the participants consumed adequate levels of iron. All of the participants consumed adequate levels of calories and protein.
Keywords/Search Tags:Nutritional adequacy, Participants consumed adequate levels
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