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Rural health care as it relates to access, quality, and cost: Development of a systems model

Posted on:2013-03-08Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:The College of St. ScholasticaCandidate:Elliott, Andrew GFull Text:PDF
GTID:2454390008970948Subject:Business Administration
Rural health care is a complicated web of systems, providers, patients, and insurers, all of which are faced with increasing challenges related to the provision of care. Health care costs are rising while many users of the health system are less able to obtain or pay for the services they received. Providers themselves' are faced with issues of revenue and capital related to providing care. This paper will address rural health care in regards to three main areas; access, cost, and quality. Although many barriers exist, there are solutions to assist with alleviating these barriers. Rural health care organizations will need to act as patient educators while assisting the patients through the health care maze and will need to create simple solutions for logistic issues. Organizations will also need to instill in the patient value verse cost of the care they receive to limit deferred care which can ultimately lead to higher costs for all. A systems model defining these complex relationships will be used to explain how the many parts of rural heal care are interrelated and effects on one another.
Keywords/Search Tags:Rural health care, Systems
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