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Aquarium Head: Poems and stories

Posted on:2017-05-14Degree:M.F.AType:Thesis
University:Long Island University, The Brooklyn CenterCandidate:Marcott, LukeFull Text:PDF
GTID:2454390008968808Subject:Fine Arts
Aquarium Head is part of a novel written in stories and poems about the travels, occupations, and opinions of Michael Clarke, a low life who is trying to live the high life for as long as possible after college. Michael grew up in a working class family and has always relied on his mother for money. Now that he is done with school, he realizes that he needs to figure something out for his future. The title refers to Michael's own head space about the world. He can see everything very clearly, and perhaps a little magnified, as if through the glass of an aquarium, but he cannot break into the real world on the other side of that glass, nor does he truly want to. Aquarium Head does not take place in chronological order. It is a Where's Waldo? book starring Michael, and what he is doing from moment to moment makes about as much sense as what Waldo is up to on any given page of one of those books.
Keywords/Search Tags:Head, Aquarium
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