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Characterization of recovery from liver damage by choline deficiency: Effect of biochemical modulators of lipid metabolism

Posted on:2006-04-19Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:University of LouisvilleCandidate:Davis, Molly AnneFull Text:PDF
GTID:2454390008968263Subject:Health Sciences
While the progression of fatty liver diseases is well-understood, the more clinically-relevant issue of recovery from existing damage is poorly characterized. The goal of this study was to characterize the recovery from liver damage caused by choline deficient diet (CDAA) in rats. Furthermore, effects of 3 modulators of lipid metabolism (acetyl-L -carnitine, metformin and rapamycin) during recovery were determined. Accordingly, rats were placed on CDAA diet for 4 wks, and then on a choline-sufficient (CSAA) diet for 3 wks ("recovery"). CDAA diet caused liver damage, including steatosis, inflammation, necrosis and fibrosis. All pathologies reverted during the "recovery" phase, but with different rates. None of the drugs tested had any significant effect on recovery. Whether these results reflect a limitation of these drugs per se, or the model employed, remains unclear. However, these results do characterize a potentially useful model of recovery from liver damage, in which other therapies can be tested.
Keywords/Search Tags:Recovery
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