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The effects of fat and protein on glycemic responses

Posted on:2006-11-18Degree:M.ScType:Thesis
University:University of Toronto (Canada)Candidate:Moghaddam-Bozorgi, ElhamFull Text:PDF
GTID:2454390008960197Subject:Health Sciences
The effects of fat and protein on glycemic responses, within the normal range of intake are largely unknown. Therefore, we studied two groups of high and low insulinaemic subjects who were fed test meals of 50g oral glucose with 0, 5, 10, or 30g fat or protein alone and in all possible combinations. There were significant main effects of fat (P<0.01) and protein (P<0.0001) but no significant fatxprotein interaction. The incremental area under the glucose curve (AUC) was lower after 30g than 5g fat, and after 10 or 30g protein than 0g protein. In low insulin subjects, fat significantly reduced AUC (P<0.05), but in high insulin subjects the effect of fat was not significant. However, the effect of protein was significant in both groups (P<0.0001). The results showed that: (a) Protein has a stronger effect in lowering the glycemic responses to foods than fat, (b) The effect of fat depends on subject's fasting insulin, being significant only in subjects with low fasting insulin.
Keywords/Search Tags:Protein, Effect, Glycemic, Subjects, Insulin
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