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How to regulate embryo research? A procedural approach

Posted on:2005-02-03Degree:LL.MType:Thesis
University:McGill University (Canada)Candidate:Champon, BenoitFull Text:PDF
Over the past few years, embryo research has been a widely discussed topic. New techniques such as embryo stem cell research or therapeutic cloning are considered by scientists to be very promising. Nevertheless, opponents of these experimentations warn against the commodification of human life forms and argue that the moral status of embryos should protect them from being destroyed purely for research.; Legislations on this topic have been enacted in most Western countries, though they are still much criticised. Is there an adequate way of regulating embryo research? Our argument suggests that consensus can only be procedurally obtained. That is, we believe that only legislative assemblies should have authority to take a position on this controversial topic, which is subject to moral disagreement, and as such, judges should only have a minor role.
Keywords/Search Tags:Embryo research, Topic
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