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Exploring the role of medical and consumer literature in the diffusion of information related to hormone therapy for menopausal women

Posted on:2005-09-25Degree:M.L.I.SType:Thesis
University:University of Alberta (Canada)Candidate:Genuis, Shelagh KathleenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2454390008489878Subject:Information Science
Using content analysis, this study explored the impact of new information on medical and consumer articles, and the role of the literature in the diffusion of new information; the influence of the literature on the innovation-decision process; the expression of biomedical vs. normal life transition models, and of medicalization within the literature; and evidence of industry influence on publications. "Diffusion of Innovations" and "Strength of Weak Ties" theories provided a framework within which to view the function of published material, and changing practices related to hormone therapy for menopausal women provided context for the study. Findings suggest that published literature plays an integral role in the diffusion of innovations; that medical and lay articles are not neutral channels, they function to shape information and produce meaning; and that information professionals and readers should be aware that philosophical underpinning impacts information.
Keywords/Search Tags:Information, Role, Medical, Literature, Diffusion
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