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Psychological mindedness (PM): A potential mediating variable in the substance abuse-pain cycle

Posted on:2013-08-20Degree:Ed.DType:Thesis
University:Teachers College, Columbia UniversityCandidate:Ferrer, ElenaFull Text:PDF
Goals. (1) Assess the relationship between PM and pain, (2) Evaluate the relationship between pain and substance use, and (3) Examine the moderating/mediating effects of PM on the relationship between pain and substance use.;Hypothesis. This project investigated four hypotheses. First, PM is negatively correlated to pain. Second, pain is positively related to substance use. Third, PM is inversely related to substance use. Fourth, PM moderates/mediates the relationship between pain and substance use.;Methods. The sample included 244 undergraduate students of at least 18 years of age. They were recruited from a university in the Midwest area of the US. Several self-report questionnaires were administered to the students.;Results. (1) As expected, an inverse association was found between PM and pain, but not at significant level (r=-.06; p=.22). (2) As hypothesized, the correlation between pain and substance use was found to be positive and statistically significant (r=.287; p=.003). (3) An inverse association was found between substance use and PM, but not at a significant level (r=-.055; p=.58). (4) As predicted, the findings indicate that there is a relationship between the 3 main variables. However, only one association was statistically significant. Further analyses revealed that (1) Female students showed higher PM than males. (2) Age and drug use was significant and negatively correlated.;Conclusion. Regarding the hypotheses, the results showed a relationship between pain, substance use, and PM, but only one association was statistically significant. Psychological Mindedness should be considered with caution when dealing with pain and substance use, especially with this type of population. When performing further analyses, one important additional result was found: The inverse and significant correlation between age and drug use among college students.;Implication. Due to the particular finding that as pain increases drug use increases (at significant level), it is reasonable to imply that individuals at risk for pain should be assessed for drug use. In addition, colleges should focus their substance use prevention programs to younger students.
Keywords/Search Tags:Pain, Substance, Students, Drug
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