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Understanding heart disease in women: A focused ethnographic approach

Posted on:2007-01-09Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:University of Alaska AnchorageCandidate:Rife, Jill MFull Text:PDF
Heart disease, the leading cause of death in women in the U.S., affects women differently than men. There is need for improved understanding of heart disease in women, from the perspective of women affected by heart disease. This study was designed to elucidate and explore women's understanding of their heart disease. It employed a focused ethnographic approach to provide an explanatory model of the culture of women with heart disease. Participants were selected from an outpatient cardiac rehabilitation program following surgical intervention for their heart disease. Four main categories were determined from the semi-structured interviews: identifying with heart disease, meaning of heart disease, integration of heart disease, and outlook on heart disease. The women's narrative data offers important insights into women's understanding of their heart disease. It supports the significance of understanding women's perspectives as a complement to the traditional professional view of heart disease.
Keywords/Search Tags:Heart disease, Understanding, Focused ethnographic approach
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