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Themes of healing as expressed in sand tray therapy

Posted on:2007-04-28Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:St. Stephen's College (Canada)Candidate:Arlette, Meaghan LynnFull Text:PDF
This thesis uses a heuristic inquiry methodology to discover themes of healing that are expressed within sand tray therapy. As a participant researcher in the children's trauma and attachment group program at Child and Adolescent Services Association (CASA) of Edmonton, I witnessed the children in the program creating sand trays. I became increasingly intrigued as they made progress towards healing childhood traumas. To learn more about the phenomenon of healing within sand tray therapy, I engaged in my own intensive sand tray therapy experience. The images that arose in my sand trays were powerful and healing for me. This research is valuable because the discovery of symbols to which an individual responds creates a means of communication and an opportunity for healing on the spiritual level. This thesis explores themes of healing as expressed in sand tray therapy from a Jungian theoretical perspective, a heart-based humanist theology, a personal experience of sand tray therapy, and a children's group therapy program.
Keywords/Search Tags:Sand tray therapy, Healing, Themes, Expressed
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