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Carbon sequestration in the developing terrestrial ecosystem on the remediated Sudbury barrens

Posted on:2006-02-28Degree:M.ScType:Thesis
University:Laurentian University of Sudbury (Canada)Candidate:Sherman, Geoffrey GuyFull Text:PDF
GTID:2453390008955936Subject:Environmental Sciences
Starting in 1978 after a major reduction in SO2 emissions a replanting initiative commenced on the Sudbury 'barrens'. In recent years how these forested sites are recovering has become increasingly important as concerns over carbon cycling increases due to global warming. This project examined how the terrestrial carbon pools are recovering, due to re-vegetation, across different areas of the Sudbury region. Preliminary studies in the summer of 2001 examined the reliability of the loss-on-ignition method for measuring carbon content of Sudbury soil. Results indicated that the method was reliable as there was little indication of residual limestone (from the remediation process) causing elevated estimates of carbon and the method gave results closely correlated to other measurement techniques. The first large-scale field study took place in late summer 2001 and focused on carbon changes in the mineral soil. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)...
Keywords/Search Tags:Carbon, Sudbury
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