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Factors influencing support for a National Animal Identification System for cattle in the United States

Posted on:2005-01-17Degree:M.B.AType:Thesis
University:Utah State UniversityCandidate:Slade, Jeremy RFull Text:PDF
The purpose of this research was to identify the determinants of support or nonsupport of state veterinarians and leaders of cattle producer organizations for the National Animal Identification System (NAIS) in the United States. It also includes a case study that exams the cost and the benefits of implementing an electronic animal ID system at the cattle producer level in the United States.; Separate electronic surveys were first sent to state veterinarians and the leaders of state cattle producer organizations with follow-up surveys conducted by telephone. The results of the state veterinarian surveys indicated that almost all state veterinarians support the NAIS, and they believe the implementation of the NAIS is very essential for dealing with and controlling animal health issues, bio-security, and BSE. However, the responses from the leaders of cattle producer organizations indicated that the majority do not support the NAIS, although they do want some type of animal identification system implemented. The probit analysis indicated that there are three statistically significant factors influencing the level of support or nonsupport of the NAIS by leaders of cattle producer organizations. These are familiarity with the NAIS, the perception that ranchers would benefit less than meat packers if the NAIS is implemented, and whether or not the respondent resided in a state that required branding. These findings suggest that educating cattle producers about the benefits to cattle producers of implementing the NAIS may help increase their level of support for the NAIS.; The case study examines the cost and benefits of implementing an animal ID system similar to the NAIS at the cattle producer level. The data used to estimate the cost and benefits for implementing an electronic source verification system in the United States were collected from secondary studies. The results of the case study indicate that implementing an electronic animal ID system would provide sufficient economic benefit at the producer level to justify the cost of implementing such a system. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)...
Keywords/Search Tags:System, Animal ID, State, Support, Cattle, NAIS, Producer, Implementing
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