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Economic analysis of the human health effects from forest fires

Posted on:2005-12-15Degree:M.ScType:Thesis
University:University of Alberta (Canada)Candidate:Rittmaster, RobynFull Text:PDF
Large and destructive wildfires in Alberta are a common occurrence. The values that fire managers use to prioritize fire suppression efforts include: timber values, infrastructure and housing losses, recreation values and environmental impacts. This thesis proposes that the human health impacts from forest fire smoke are also a significant value and should be considered in the analysis of the values at risk from fire. Smoke dispersion modeling is used to predict the flow of particulate matter released during the 2001 Chisholm Fire (Alberta, Canada) while an Air Quality Valuation Model, developed by Environment Canada and Health Canada, is used in an economic analysis of the adverse health effects from smoke. Results from this research will be beneficial to forest mangers by providing monetary estimates of health impacts which can be used in return-on-investment analysis of suppression efforts.
Keywords/Search Tags:Health, Fire, Forest, Values
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