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Effect of preharvest management on yield, process quality, and disease development in Russet Burbank potatoes

Posted on:2006-05-20Degree:M.ScType:Thesis
University:University of Manitoba (Canada)Candidate:Ronald, Andrew BFull Text:PDF
Phytophthora infestans (Mont) de Bary is a devastating pathogen in potato producing regions around the world. Populations of the organism in Canada shifted during the mid-1990's as the US-1 strain (A1, metalaxyl-sensitive) was displaced by the highly aggressive, US-8 strain (A2, metalaxyl-insensitive). An increase in the incidence and severity of late blight has followed. Late blight is controlled by cultural practices aimed at eliminating disease sources and by the application of foliar fungicides. Tubers can become infected at harvest from contact with blighted vines leading to severe losses in storage. In many production areas, growers desiccate vines two to three weeks prior to harvest to reduce late blight tuber rot. However, in Manitoba, because of the loss of potential yield that results from vine killing prior to harvest in a late maturing cultivar such as Russet Burbank, growers are reluctant to adopt this practice. The objective of this study was to develop recommendations for preharvest management practices that reduce storage losses due to late blight. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)...
Keywords/Search Tags:Late blight, Harvest
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