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Underground Atlanta: Combating negative perceptions and getting suburbanites to frequent this 'downtown anchor

Posted on:2005-06-17Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Georgia State University - College of Arts and SciencesCandidate:Williams, RebeccaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2452390011953021Subject:Mass communication
According to Underground Atlanta management, Underground is plagued by a bad reputation produced by the media and the result is that Metro Atlanta residents stay away from the downtown anchor. There were two goals set in the establishment of this project. The initial goal of this project was to define the perceptions and identity of Underground Atlanta according to urban mall shoppers. Secondly, through research and findings, the major goal of this project was to generate a public relations strategic campaign plan that will offer suggestions to modify the negative press, alleviate the problem of ill-conceived perceptions, educate Metro Atlanta residents on Underground Atlanta and provide a platform for future success.
Keywords/Search Tags:Underground atlanta, Perceptions, Downtown anchor
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