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Analysis and simulation of EM fields of a permanent magnets DC linear motor used to propel a magnetically levitated train

Posted on:2005-04-10Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez (Puerto Rico)Candidate:Leal Florez, OrlandoFull Text:PDF
The Berdut design is a new alternative with permanent magnets for Maglev transport. The magnetic field and the force generated by the Berdut design were explored for the first time by mean of simulations using the software program Maxwell 2D Version 9. Using mainly the force and magnetic field as the analysis method the importance, effect and function of each element were studied to determine the pros and cons of this alternative. As result some materials were recommended in order to optimize the force magnitude. The main source for dimensions and materials were the patents of this design and Mr. Berdut.
Keywords/Search Tags:Berdut, Force
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