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The proof is in the pits: A paleoethnobotanical analysis of earth ovens from the White Rock Springs site (EeRj 226), an ancient root processing locale on the Canadian Plateau

Posted on:2012-02-18Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:University of Calgary (Canada)Candidate:Nicolaides, MonicaFull Text:PDF
This thesis presents the results of a macrobotanical analysis conducted on three earth ovens from EeRj 226, also known as White Rock Springs (WRS), an upland root processing locale in the interior of British Columbia. The largest documented root-processing locale on the Canadian Plateau. WRS is situated in the mid-Fraser River region. Two key contributions are made by this thesis: an appropriate macrobotanical sub-sampling procedure; and the first comprehensive macrobotanical analysis of Canadian Plateau earth ovens. A total of thirty-five one litre samples were analysed yielding a variety of macrobotanical remains, including wood charcoal, needles and seeds. These samples contain twenty-two identifiable taxa. The fuel and matting materials identified in the ovens provide important evidence regarding patterns of root resource use. These patterns suggest that women may have had a significant interest in the maintenance of ovens and the proliferation of root resource processing, demonstrating the value of paleoethnobotanical analysis for addressing issues of subsistence, socioeconomy and gender.
Keywords/Search Tags:Earth ovens, Root, Processing, Locale, Canadian, Macrobotanical
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