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Root down: Revaluing the Western Canadian Prairie landscape through collective community transformation

Posted on:2011-01-19Degree:M.ArchType:Thesis
University:Dalhousie University (Canada)Candidate:Pickard, Brad GarthFull Text:PDF
GTID:2442390002469969Subject:Landscape architecture
This thesis identifies and addresses the cultural, environmental and economic condition of the Prairie agricultural landscape. At the core of this work is an investigation into what it means to read, understand and value a particular cultural landscape in order to propose possible alternatives to our contemporary modes of existence on this land.;The town of Indian Head, Saskatchewan serves as the site for an exploration into how a farming community may transition at a time of global environmental concern. Stemming from its rich local history and current co-operative agricultural research programs, Indian Head possesses the potential to collectively initiate a proposal that could reestablish cultural and ecological value to the surrounding agricultural landscape. Shaped by the collective wisdom and co-operation of the local community, this work would be done in hopes that it may continue to provide a precedent for other Prairie towns in the region, thus activating change throughout the Prairies and beyond.
Keywords/Search Tags:Prairie, Landscape, Community
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