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Medicine and society in the literary memorial (1784--1808)

Posted on:2005-11-09Degree:DrType:Thesis
University:Universidad de Valladolid (Spain)Candidate:Duran Maseda, Maria JoseFull Text:PDF
GTID:2452390008996653Subject:Health Sciences
The doctoral Thesis "Medicine and Society in the Literary Memorial (1784--1808)" was made in the Chair of History of the Medicine belonging to the Medicine Faculty from the University of Valladolid, under the direction of the University professor of discipline D. Juan Riera Palmero. It tries to analyze the announcements and the medical and sanitary news divulged in the end of century XVIII by means of the analysis of the Literary Memorial publication.; The pragmatic direction of the Illustration causes that publications distinct to the medical media offer extensive references to medical and sanitary subjects. The Peruvian bark, popular product in the reigns of Carlos III and Carlos IV, mainly from the epidemics of tercianas of 1784, receives a special attention in the magazine.; The surgery is a constant subject where reference is made to the creation of the Royal Schools of Surgery and, to the Royal School of San Carlos, where one foments the study of the anatomy and thanks to which the surgeons see compared their activity to the one of the doctors.; The hygienic and sanitary articles, deontological norms and recommendations of the Protomedicato, as organ of monitoring and control of the professional exercise are an important section.; The reference to bordering subjects of science like Agriculture, Astronomy and Physics show the overwhelming predominance of the Medicine in the preoccupation of the Spanish society during the reign of Carlos IV.; The concern of illustrated men by the educational institutions and scientific education, as well as the attempt to improve the level of alphabetization of the society, as an essential way to disclose the renovated ideas it is left patent in the magazine.; The epidemics of tercianas and putrid fevers happened between 1784--1789 and those of 1794--1795 in relation to the War of the Rosellon, cause that the study of meteorology acquires great importance.; The ample study on the Madrilenian climate reflected in the magazine has its foundation in the strong empiricism of the XVIII, that relates the climatology and the epidemiology, reflection of the influence of Sydenham and the new hypocratism present in all Europe.
Keywords/Search Tags:Literary memorial, Medicine, Society
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