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Development of a Cycle-Based Red-Light Violation Index For Signalized Intersections

Posted on:2012-07-29Degree:M.EngType:Thesis
University:Howard UniversityCandidate:Williams, LaceyFull Text:PDF
Red light cameras (RLCs) have been installed at signalized intersections in the District of Columbia (DC), since 1999. There is no minimum basis for red-light violation (RLV) or red-light crash threshold beyond which red-light cameras should be installed in the District. This research is, therefore aimed at the development of a standard by which practitioners could justify the implementation of RLCs in a dense urban environment.;The proposed standard was developed using a regression model, where observed cycles of red light violations (CRLVs) were correlated with five (5) independent, engineering-related variables. The independent variables are duration of green (G), vehicles per hour green of approach (V), clearance distance (W), lane configuration (L) and posted speed limit (S), with the dependent variable being CRLV. The regression model produced an R 2 value of 0.89, with a mean CRLV rate of 0.1636, and a standard deviation of 0.108, or 16 violations per 100 signal cycles. This value could potentially be used as the basis for determining a CLRV threshold beyond which an intersection could be assessed as experiencing more than the expected level of RLVs.
Keywords/Search Tags:Red-light
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