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Feasibility study for a web-based routable bicycle trip planner for the San Francisco Bay area

Posted on:2012-02-25Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:San Jose State UniversityCandidate:Wotherspoon, Stella FFull Text:PDF
New web-mapping technologies, such as ESRI ArcGIS Server, and web page user interface frameworks, such as EXT-JS, hold the promise of supporting rapid development of rich Internet mapping applications. Network analysis functionality integrated in ArcGIS Server introduces the possibility for building a routable bicycle trip planner. However, network routing for bicycles differs from that of automobiles. Commercial street network databases coded for automobile routing cannot perform bicycle routing without modification.;This thesis documents a feasibility study undertaken from 2005 to 2010 to create a bicycle trip planner application for San Francisco, California. It describes the design of a network database customized for bicycle routing, a review of functionality of other web-based bicycle trip planners, a requirement analysis, and a functional user interface design. The results of the feasibility study are analyzed and the success of the effort is measured by reviewing organizational response and public user feedback received after a beta launch of the routable bicycle trip planner.
Keywords/Search Tags:Routable bicycle trip planner, Feasibility study, User
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