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Systemes hybrides eolien-diesel en climat froid: Le cas de la base antarctique Jubany

Posted on:2013-05-09Degree:M.Sc.AType:Thesis
University:Universite du Quebec a Rimouski (Canada)Candidate:Corral-Rodriguez, Rene GFull Text:PDF
GTID:2452390008989711Subject:Environmental Engineering
The present work studies the process of coupling wind turbines with local isolated diesel generator to provide electricity to remote power grids in a cold climate. Different scenarios of wind penetration are evaluated and the methodology is applied to a specific site, the scientific Antarctic Argentinean base "Jubany". The goal of the thesis is to develop a design procedure in agreement to the most recent methodologies, recommendations and experiences of the standardization organisations and of the industry to successfully implement an effective and sustainable wind-diesel hybrid system operating in the cold climate at Jubany. The system design is made up to an architectural level, showing the layout and general technicai specifications of the major equipments.;It is concluded that the norm TS 62257 is a good basic procedure to organise and evaluate the input information and complete the first steps of design in a standardized way, even considering the effects of the cold climate on the system. For the Jubany case, conclusions are presented regarding the current state of infonnation of the climate (wind, cold) and of the electrical system in operation and recommendations are made to prepare the installation of the hybrid wind-diesel system.;The method follows the technical specifications TS 62257 of the IEC, the International Electrotechnical Commission, which is a set of recommendations to design and implement hybrid systems. This norm has been used as a basic design procedure, to which have been added specific aspects of the cold climate effects, as described in documents of the IEA, the International Energy Agency. Other exarnples of hybrid winddiesel facilities in Arctic/ Antarctic climate, either operationai or proposed, have been anaIyzed as a source of teclmological ideas to make design proposals for the hybrid system at Jubany. The proposed architectures are simulated with Homer software to assess their energy production, cost of energy and fuel savings.
Keywords/Search Tags:Jubany, System, Hybrid, Cold climate
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