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Distributed generation impact on fault response of a distribution network

Posted on:2005-04-06Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:Mississippi State UniversityCandidate:Kanduri, Venkata RamanujamFull Text:PDF
Electric power systems are a key infrastructure today. Power systems can be divided into three major parts: generation, transmission, and distribution. Out of these the distribution system is the most complex part and least studied system. In order to have continuous and reliable power to all customers it is necessary to have a good protection system. Major disturbances that are caused and last for a very short duration are called faults. With the advent of distributed generation (DG), the understanding of fault response has become more difficult. This thesis presents the study of the fault response and the factors that influence the fault response with and without DG. As a part of the fault analysis line to ground faults are placed at various locations on the IEEE 13 node feeder test case. Simulations are conducted in PSCAD and the results are analyzed. At each node the voltage and the current changes at the time of the fault are recorded. A DG is added to the system and is located at various nodes for each fault and the impact of the DG on the fault voltage and current quantities is recorded. A comparison of the impact of faults at various locations is presented. The impact of faults without DG and with DG is also analyzed.
Keywords/Search Tags:Fault, Impact, Generation, Distribution, System
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