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Modelisation et simulation d'un systeme de jumelage eolien-diesel alimentant une charge locale =Modélisation et simulation d'un système de jumelage éolien-diésel alimentant une charge local

Posted on:2013-01-12Degree:M.EngType:Thesis
University:Universite du Quebec en Abitibi-Temiscamingue (Canada)Candidate:Theubou Tameghe, Tommy AndyFull Text:PDF
GTID:2452390008976235Subject:Electrical engineering
This thesis focuses on the modeling of a wind-diesel cogeneration system feeding a local load. The proposed system implements a wind turbine, connected to a diesel generator that supplies an electrical load. Such a system is commonly used in remote areas and allows the reduction of the diesel energy production. This yields a reduction of pollution and production costs of the electrical energy.;At first, this report describes the socio-economic context and motivations of the subject. Thereafter, are inventoried the main technical issues related to wind-diesel cogeneration plants. To better meet the objectives of this work, study and mode ling of the system are organized into four key points: (1) a literature review based on general concepts related to wind-diesel systems and mathematical/numerical analysis tools; (2) the analysis and modeling of diesel generator, (3) of the wind turbine; (4) and finally, the interconnection of wind and diesel generators. Each point describes the dynamic equations, organized in the form of state model or transfer function, of the considered subsystem.;Developed dynamic models were simulated using Matlab / Simulink. Typical values, commonly used in the literature, were used. Due to the lack of records and technical data on existing specific wind-diesel system, developed models were cross-validated, comparing the simulation results with those from the literature.
Keywords/Search Tags:System, Diesel, Simulation
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