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Balancing on transit: Redevelopment of the Southern Pacific Railyards Sacramento, California

Posted on:2006-09-04Degree:M.ArchType:Thesis
University:University of Maryland, College ParkCandidate:Fusco, Anthony PaulFull Text:PDF
This project proposes an urban design strategy for the North End of downtown Sacramento, California; the culmination of which is the design for a new intermodal transit facility.; The intention is to recapture development into downtown by reclaiming the former Southern Pacific Railyard site, and propose a formal and programmatic development strategy allowing Sacramento to balance downtown growth through renewed connections into its North End.; Conceptually this occurs at three scales: City, District, and Architectural, represented by the three scales of site. The entire 240 acre rail yard site will balance growth at the scale of downtown; the smaller 45 acre transit district will balance growth between the central business district and a new activity district in the North End; and finally the transit facility will itself act as a bridge across the tracks allowing for direct communication between the new and the old city fabrics.
Keywords/Search Tags:Sacramento, North end, Transit, Downtown
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