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Informing and involving newcomers online: Users' perspectives of Settlement.Org

Posted on:2006-04-15Degree:M.I.StType:Thesis
University:University of Toronto (Canada)Candidate:Chien, Elise H. MFull Text:PDF
GTID:2452390008960189Subject:Information Science
This research explores newcomers' experiences in using information and communication technologies (ICTs) for settlement purposes. In particular, it focuses on their uses of Settlement.Org, a website that provides information and resources about settling in Ontario. The objective of this study is to understand the role played by Settlement.Org both as an informing and involving environment, allowing users to engage in discussion on its online forum. Survey questionnaires (face-to-face and online) and in-depth interviews were conducted with Settlement.Org users and its managing organization, OCASI. The findings show that 'informing' and 'involving' are complementary functions, as Settlement.Org provides information and resources about settling, and encourages the formation of a virtual community. The study also suggests that Settlement.Org is more than a website. It is a resource that has potential to address newcomers' concerns, to encourage participation and dialogue, and to contribute to the broader inclusion of newcomers in Canadian society.
Keywords/Search Tags:Settlement, Org, Online
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