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Examination of municipal elected officials' consideration of the spatial aspect of Ottawa's proposed light rail expansion program

Posted on:2006-05-18Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Carleton University (Canada)Candidate:Morrison, KennethFull Text:PDF
This study explores the extent to which municipal elected officials explicitly consider the spatial aspect of the link between land use planning and transportation planning for the proposed light rail expansion in Ottawa, Ontario. Specific research objectives included reviewing the current plans of the proposed light rail expansion, identifying the factors used to specify the proposed light rail corridors and eliciting the opinions of municipal elected officials on this link when formulating light rail expansion policies and plans. An established research methodology consisting of a design-evaluation process was adopted to collect and analyze interview responses from municipal elected officials. The responses were compared with a list of key terms/phrases, light rail expansion policies and plans, and a series of maps. Results from this analysis indicated that the municipal elected officials have a limited consideration for the spatial aspect associated with the proposed light rail expansion in Ottawa.
Keywords/Search Tags:Elected officials, Light rail expansion, Spatial aspect, Ottawa
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