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Hybrid PARK(ing): The parking structure as urban park. Exploring the mediation between infra-structure, architecture and the public (Texas)

Posted on:2005-10-02Degree:M.ArchType:Thesis
University:Rice UniversityCandidate:Farr, Marcus MFull Text:PDF
This thesis seeks to identify a specific place within the urban landscape of Houston, Texas where a set of infra-structural connections and relationships within a "dead" or "under-utilized" site can be brought into focus, evaluated, and reintroduced to the city as a catalyst for the betterment of urban society and how we, as a public, interact with it. It will aim for the creation of enabling urban fields that accommodate processes that may or may not be expressed in physical form, subsequently the site will become fused and engaged, rather than separated, creating hybrid conditions and entities.; Using landscape-urbanism and architecture, a hybrid condition can be established where the segregated city sites created by infrastructures can be blurred successfully with the public and pedestrian domain. This union has the potential to transform dying city spaces into vibrant, thriving promenades and public domains.
Keywords/Search Tags:Urban, Public, Hybrid
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