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Pre-Columbian fire patterns and human occupations in Western Amazonia: Testing the cultural parkland hypothesis

Posted on:2013-04-26Degree:Ph.DType:Thesis
University:Florida Institute of TechnologyCandidate:McMichael, Crystal HarperFull Text:PDF
The idea of pre-Columbian Amazonia as a "cultural parkland" or "modified landscape" (hereafter referred to as the cultural parkland hypothesis) is becoming widely accepted within the archaeological community, and posits that large human populations had transformative influences and long-lasting impacts on the entire Amazonian landscape.;Through soil charcoal and phytolith analysis, I tested the predictions of the cultural parkland hypothesis. As subsidiary questions I analyzed the sphere of influence around known settlement sites to obtain a measure of the ubiquity of human disturbance. Replicable methods of soil collection and charcoal analyses are presented, and were used to statistically compare spatial and temporal aspects of fire history that for the most part have previously been descriptive in nature. I also modeled how preferred settlement sites, such as those in riverine forests and in the driest Amazonian rainforests, affected the probability of finding evidence of past fire. Also included is a test of whether large bamboo patches in western Amazonia are remnants of pre-Columbian settlements. The 14C dates obtained through all of these studies were also cumulatively analyzed to provide a comprehensive characterization of fire ages in western Amazonia, and these were then contrasted with previously published fire ages from eastern Amazonia.;The results of my research illustrated that much of western Amazonia was not cultural parkland, or a highly modified landscape. While evidence of historical fire was present in most locations, human impacts were heterogeneous and localized. Comparisons of soil and lake-sediment charcoal revealed that localized pockets of human disturbance occurred, generally, within 5 km of the lake edge, and that lake sediment records containing evidence of humans could not be assumed to have resulted from uniform or widespread forest clearing. Soil surveys indicated that human impacts were concentrated in preferable habitation areas, on river bluffs, or were concentrated in localities containing the highest resource abundances. My work documented that the highest human impacts occurred in the eastern-most forests of western Amazonia, which have a stronger dry season than those in the western-most forests, and in forests that were close to the major Amazonian rivers. My research has also provided evidence that the large bamboo forests within western Amazonia were not remnants of pre-Columbian forest clearing, and were often not associated with any historical fire. Instead, the bamboo forests appear to be an ancient biome within Amazonia, which established before humans or fires appeared in the landscape. The 14C dates obtained through my research also revealed that the timing of historical fires in western Amazonia was considerably different than the trajectory of previously published fire histories from eastern Amazonia. Although fires from both areas are linked to human activity, the timing of these fires may also reflect historical droughts.;In light of my findings, several conclusions by prior researchers who have assumed all of Amazonian forests were cultural parklands are in need of reassessment. Pre-Columbian anthropogenic activity has been implicated as a major factor in structuring biodiversity patterns and influencing global carbon budgets. Pre-Columbian human disturbances in western Amazonia were most likely not sufficient to structure the hyper-diverse flora and fauna of Amazonian forests, or affect global CO2 levels. Therefore, the assumed forest resiliency underlying the cultural parkland hypothesis is unwarranted because many of the forests have experienced little to no historical disturbances, at least over the over the last few millennia. (Abstract shortened by UMI.).
Keywords/Search Tags:Cultural parkland, Amazonia, Pre-columbian, Human, Fire, Historical, Forests, Landscape
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