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The City that Lost the Hip in its Hop: Breaking Through the Boundaries of Heritage Conservation

Posted on:2013-03-20Degree:M.ArchType:Thesis
University:Carleton University (Canada)Candidate:Keshavarz, GolrokhFull Text:PDF
GTID:2452390008474466Subject:Urban and Regional Planning
This thesis begins by taking a critical look at Bologna's heritage conservation policy which deems the entire historic center as a complete entity that must be preserved. We explore the potential negative effects the policy has had on the city and the Bolognesiwho appear reluctant to leave their contemporary mark on it. This causes Bologna to become divided and potentially irrelevant to contemporary society. The exploration and suggested solution, in the form of a project, is inspired by Hip Hop culture and its practices. Hip Hop at its core, is about expressing, layering and sampling, people's different voices and identities, allowing the culture to be continuously personalized and therefore relevant. The proposed project aims to initiate and encourage a dialogue between the contemporary citizens and their city. It is proposed that the dialogue will begin to break the boundary set up around the historic center of Bologna.;The chosen site for the project is an ex-military site, STAVECO, which has been dosed to the public for over two centuries. Recently it has been acquired by the city and classified as a heritage site, making it a perfect starting point for the dialogue between past and present.
Keywords/Search Tags:Heritage, City, Hip, Hop
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