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Stress-Constrained Structural Topology Optimization with Design-Dependent Loads

Posted on:2013-12-28Degree:M.A.ScType:Thesis
University:University of Toronto (Canada)Candidate:Lee, EdmundFull Text:PDF
Topology optimization is commonly used to distribute a given amount of material to obtain the stiffest structure, with predefined fixed loads. The present work investigates the result of applying stress constraints to topology optimization, for problems with design-depending loading, such as self-weight and pressure. In order to apply pressure loading, a material boundary identification scheme is proposed, iteratively connecting points of equal density. In previous research, design-dependent loading problems have been limited to compliance minimization. The present study employs a more practical approach by minimizing mass subject to failure constraints, and uses a stress relaxation technique to avoid stress constraint singularities. The results show that these design dependent loading problems may converge to a local minimum when stress constraints are enforced. Comparisons between compliance minimization solutions and stress-constrained solutions are also given. The resulting topologies of these two solutions are usually vastly different, demonstrating the need for stress-constrained topology optimization.
Keywords/Search Tags:Topology optimization, Stress
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