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Safety attitudes in the Ontario construction

Posted on:2006-10-06Degree:M.A.ScType:Thesis
University:University of Toronto (Canada)Candidate:Munteanu, M. RamonaFull Text:PDF
Although the Ontario construction industry has the highest safety ranking in the world (CSAOb, 2004), annual fatality rates remain constant. The plethora of legislation and resultant regulations seem to be insufficient to save lives lost in the line of construction duty. There is indication of the need for the construction industry to look elsewhere for answers. This is the motivation for this research, which explores attitudes toward safety in the construction. The research methodology involved creation of a questionnaire and collection of demographic, attitudinal and incident reporting data from the Institutional, Commercial and Industrial (ICI), and high-rise residential construction workforce in Ontario. The results of 316 responses collected confirmed the existence of a very mobile workforce. Also, a number of safety-influencing attitudinal factors and demographics were identified. Potential future uses for these findings have been proposed.
Keywords/Search Tags:Safety, Construction, Ontario
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