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Ohio's 3C and the futures of U.S. passenger rail

Posted on:2014-02-18Degree:M.AType:Thesis
University:Indiana UniversityCandidate:Levin, WillFull Text:PDF
Ohio's 3C project, which aimed to connect Cleveland, Columbus, and Cincinnati by passenger rail for the first time since 1971, shows the contradictions facing the US rail system. The compromises made a generation ago to save the rail network, which resulted in the creation of Amtrak as the federal entity responsible for intercity passenger service, continue reverberate as the private railroads adapted to globalization, free from the obligation to carry passengers. Any revival of passenger service must be through agreement with the freight railroads, whose lines have only increased in traffic in recent decades.;3C received support from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 in the form of ;Spatial analysis showed that opposition to 3C did not appear related to the route itself, and interviews and newspaper analysis showed that the way in which articles and letters depicted the project was highly influenced by popular perceptions of rail, opinions largely based on the rail network as it existed decades ago.
Keywords/Search Tags:Rail, Passenger
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