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Transforming our relationship with the earth through experiential learning: Camp and retreat centers as demonstration sites for ecological action

Posted on:2007-10-12Degree:D.MinType:Thesis
University:Drew UniversityCandidate:Ulm, LesFull Text:PDF
Recognizing the affect of human behavior on the earth and its ecology, we can document environmental degradation and realize we are using our environment in ways that are not sustainable and not healthy. Scientists may help us to see the data to change our minds and show us how to live in harmony with the environment, but it will take faith leaders to be catalysts for changing our hearts to transform our relationship with the earth to one of respect under girded by a Christian love ethic. Theological scholars are contributing insight and instruction to ecological stewardship and justice.; The purpose of the Professional Project described here is to awaken new perspectives on our relationship with the natural world, described in biblical scriptures as an abundant gift of a loving God. Leaders of church camp and retreat centers are uniquely positioned to demonstrate, in a variety of ways, care and stewardship for the land, the lakes, the timber, and the natural environment in a manner that will engage board, staff, volunteers, campers, and retreat guests in potential lifestyle change.; The means to this end was to intentionally craft observable, ecologically sustainable practices at an outdoor site. We used experiential learning to teach, through hands-on experience, responsible care for the soil, composting of food waste, and recycling of aluminum, plastic, glass, and paper. Nature can nurture our spirits, and we can in turn nurture the natural environment.; Described in this thesis is an eight-month project that led a Lay Advisory Group Retreat through a group facilitation method to identify the demonstration projects we would design and use. A three-part curriculum for summer campers was written emphasizing early morning meditation, daily "hands-on" ecology education, and storytelling of living lightly on the earth and especially our own eco-autobiographies. The observations and evaluations at the end of the project suggested "learnings" and changes that resulted from its comprehensive approach.
Keywords/Search Tags:Earth, Retreat, Relationship, Environment
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