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A carbon dioxide pipeline network for Wyoming

Posted on:2012-03-16Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:University of WyomingCandidate:Newcomb, Mark AFull Text:PDF
We design a 1,645 km long pipeline network linking several anthropogenic sources of carbon dioxide (CO2) with regions where enhanced hydrocarbon recovery and geosequestration are possible. We estimate the pipeline's capital cost to be 880.5 million USD and that a network-wide tariff of 0.25 USD/mcf (4.87 USD/tonne) would be sufficient to earn a 12 percent rate of return given a 30 year life-span. The pipeline would ship CO2 from underground and anthropogenic sources to oil and coal-bed methane fields for use in enhanced hydrocarbon recovery. In the process, these same fields could permanently sequester at least thirty years of Wyoming's total annual emissions of CO 2. Diameter, cost and tariff calculations are carried out using an interactive MATLAB program developed specifically for this project. The program is intended to aid future research.
Keywords/Search Tags:Pipeline
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