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Wood: Material for design

Posted on:2005-12-12Degree:M.ArchType:Thesis
University:Dalhousie University (Canada)Candidate:Anson, Mark DFull Text:PDF
This thesis designs and implements the use of a new innovative wood building product, laminated veneer cylinders. It relies on an investigation of wood through three itineraries: that of a general observer, that of working with the material, and that of designing with the material. It proposes a method of using wood that is derived to complement the material's natural characteristics. For years wood has been subservient to the wants and needs of humans, in a way which has slowly devastated the nature of forests. Architecture, as a leader of the built environment, could spark a change in the way wood is used in construction. The result of this thesis is a new process, creating a new product, resulting in a new detail, to be developed into a new structure.
Keywords/Search Tags:Wood, New, Material
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