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Geospatial framework for water quality impact assessment: Corridor H (West Virginia)

Posted on:2006-05-23Degree:M.S.C.EType:Thesis
University:West Virginia UniversityCandidate:McGee, Jennifer RFull Text:PDF
West Virginia University's Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering has been collecting water quality samples from streams that are anticipated to be impacted by the construction of Corridor H. Four active watersheds contain 43 sites with 20 parameters being monitored. In order to easily understand the general trends in the water quality, bar graphs were generated to represent the yearly averages of each parameter. In order to understand the geospatial correlation between sites, maps of each watershed were generated utilizing Geographic Information Systems software.; Visual Basic software was used to create a stand-alone application that would be able to organize access to all of these components; organized by watershed. With this program, all of the project data are stored in a single location and users are able to obtain quick access to the data and to obtain a simple understanding of the changes taking place over time within a watershed.
Keywords/Search Tags:Water quality
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